Every step I take is for the Team!

Every step I take is for the Team!
Team Harris

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

In honor of my 40th birthday and my goal to run the 50 mile Ultra Trail Race in Chattanooga, December 2012, I am asking all my friends, family and followers to make a tribute donation directly to the Preeclampsia Foundation in my honor.

It's a simple process- just visit www.preeclampsia.org/donate and click "Donate as a Guest" and when you enter in your donation, make sure to check that "This is a tribute gift" and note it is in honor of my race.

After I finish the 50 mile Ultra Trail Race I will post a grand total and BIG THANK YOU to all of you who choose to donate!

Or, if you'd rather right a check, note my name in the memo note and send it to Preeclampsia Foundation;
6767 N. Wickham Road, Suite 400, Melbourne, FL 32940.

I want to Thank You ahead of time. Please help me in spreading the word! Any ideas as to how I can raise more money? Please, please, let me know!!

Together to find a cure!!


Monday, January 30, 2012


My life this last week has been crazy!

I was only able to run 2 days this past week due to a cold. I took Tuesday off then ran 7.28 on Thursday and 5 Saturday. Both runs, post sick day, were slow, hard, and tiring. But I did it.

Saturday while I was running a photographer from the college Herald (WKU) came out to take pics to go with the story they are doing on this. I felt pretty silly running while someone ran after me taking photos. I think one runs much faster that way!! I can't wait to see the end result!!

Last Sunday I went to Nashville for Zumba training to get my license to teach it. Just because I now have a license to teach it doesn't mean that I have the rhythm to do it!! It's quite humorous actually! I'm practicing, practicing, practicing so hopefully by my first class I'll look a little more like a Zumba instructor than a woman having convulsions! I'm laughing cause it's funny, true, and a great source of entertainment for all!! heeheeheehee

With all this being said, I'm guessing that maybe I can't do it all! Since I tried and ended up getting sick, maybe I'll let a few things go......clean clothes are over rated anyway!!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ooooh! Momma's fast!

It's been a few days since I posted. Thanks to the weather, our internet has been a little sketchy. So let me catch you up...

Sunday I laced up my new Scott trail shoes (Thanks to Trax!) and hit the road, and the trail. 6 miles of farm land and asphalt. I'm not quite sure what was going on with my body that day but it felt like I was trying to run through knee high mud! Each one of my legs felt like they weighed 100 pounds each! I thought I'd never finish. But I did and I wrapped up the week with 14 miles.

Tuesday I was able to run outside since all the kids were in school. I made it back to the house just in time to fit in 5 miles (along with a 35 mi/hr head wind) before the clouds opened up and dumped a bunch of rain. This would be the same storm that carried tornado that touched down in Simpson county! Whew! Good thing I got that run out of the way early!

Today, I felt like a Jill-of-all-trades! One of my daily mantras is "I can do it all!" (though somebody may not have any clean underwear) Today was one of the days I tried very hard to prove my mantra right. Here goes: Up early to get the kids ready (lucky to have hubby's help with this part,) off to drop Roddick at school, drive to the next school where we have to wait 30 min before doors open, this making time for me to sew a button on Salem's shirt, take Salem and Paisley into school, drive to BG to GMC dealership to take Yukon in for recall fix on door handles, run from there to my turn around point (MapMyRun was supposed to tell me where there the 2.5 mile mark was,) run back to dealership, realize MMR had messed up SO today I logged 6 miles, Yukon still not ready, into the bathroom where I took a spit bath (needed in order to be able to sit among other people and them not pass out,) 45 min later Yukon ready, stop at shoe store to get new gym shoes (and super cute boots for Peanut,) drive back to Franklin to get the little ones, pick up a few items at the DG market, get in line to pick up Roddick, while waiting get a few subs needed for classes at the gym, drive home, bathe (everyone's thankful for this!,) homework time, get supper ready, get items ready for the meeting I had with my instructors tonight (best instructors ever!!,) go to gym (eat on the way,) have a meeting, go home, kiss my babies, hang up clothes, get in bed, & BLOG! I'm exhausted just writing it!

The best thing about the MapMyRun messing up?? It told me my average speed was 96 mi/hr! Funny! But was it talking about my run, or was it talking about the speed at which I go through my day??

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I am a survivor

I am a survivor of Preeclampsia and Eclampsia, 3 times over. The day after my 1st son was born I had a seizure, then another seizure the next day. These were eclamptic seizures caused by high blood pressure. 

Preeclampsia is real and if it's not detected and treated, lives can be lost. 

Please join me in raising money for The Preeclampsia Foundation, a charity that I believe in with my heart and soul. 


Change of mind

Since I'm a woman I am allowed to change my mind. I have decided to change my fundraising cause to the Preeclampsia Foundation. This I am VERY familiar with and have a personal attachment to. More info to come soon. Right now the kids and I are fixin to cheer on Brandon in the Frozen 4 mile run, put on by TRAX of Bowling Green, KY.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Peace, love, and Run!

As we drove home from the funeral today I thought of what might be known of me after I've passed. Morbid, maybe, but it definitely makes me think about what I can do to make a difference today. I'm just a mom with a dream to do something big for others. Maybe to become the unselfish person I know I need to be. Maybe funerals just get me thinking deeper than I really need to. Who knows! I do know that I want my children to look back on my life and say "Momma really made a difference!" Tuesday Brandon's Grandpa McFall passed away. 95 years old, wow!! He died at home with this wife and family. Married almost 70 years, I believe. Again, Wow! I was on the treadmill running when he died. So, Thursday when I ran outside, I ran for Grandpa. From here on out (hopefully) I plan to dedicate my Thursday runs to someone special. They may be living or they may have already gone on to be with the Lord. You'll just have to continue to follow to see who it'll be! ;-) Peace, love, and Run!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Please tell me

Do you have a story about yourself, or someone you know, who has/had breast cancer? If you do, and feel comfortable sharing, I would love for you to print it here. Your stories are like fuel to my running, they give purpose to my crazy 50 mile quest! Please, if you have time, share with me how Breast Cancer has touched your life.

Thank you and much love!


Sunday, January 8, 2012

I use the bathroom...

I use the bathroom to blend my smoothies. I know, you were thinking this was going to be some kind of gross story. Sorry to disappoint you. Each day I make a smoothie with spinach, carrots, tofu (for protein,) blueberries, ground flax seed, and half a banana. May sound yucky to you but it's become a welcome 'after-run' drink for me. I like it and it makes me feel gooooood!! At the time I have my smoothie, usually post run, my little girl is taking a nap. Into the bathroom I go so that the noise of the blender doesn't wake her up! Everyone knows, you NEVER wake a sleeping baby.

It's been a fun weekend. I taught classes at the gym fri morning then had a date with my husband that night. I took yesterday off from running but I did shovel gravel in the new shed for about 2 hours. Talk about a workout! Wish I could teach a class like that at the gym!! Whew!! This afternoon I ran 6.02 miles averaging 12/mile. Not fast, but I felt good the whole way!

Yesterday afternoon I headed to Trax Running store in Bowling Green. LOVE it there! They have graciously agreed to sponsor me in my 50 mile quest. I feel so blessed to have them on my side. Together with them, I hope to get something BIG accomplished. While I was there I finally decided what cause I wanted to run for. I would like to raise money for breast cancer awareness. I'm not completely sure as to how I go about it but I'll just take it step by step. Any information is VERY welcomed!

My husband woke me up this morning by telling me that he had lost 5 lbs this week. Well, isn't that special for him (insert sarcasm here.) So after a week of busting it, which included 3 cardio/strength classes, 3 yoga classes, and 18 miles of running, I decided to get on the scale and check it out. Not a pound lost!!!! You have to be kidding me!! What!!!? Must be something wrong with the scale. I had to have lost 20, 30 or at least 5 pounds! But nothing! Grrrrrrrrr! So it seems that as I draw closer to 40, my weight sticks even closer to me!! All in due time, I know!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I'll be working the streets of Franklin today. (Wait! that doesn't sound right, let me re-word that) I'll be running the streets of Franklin today. (Sounds better, don't you think?) I've mapped out a 4 mile run that I'm excited about! It's something different, I like to change it up a lot! By the time this year is over I'm thinking I'll have run over every bit of Simpson County and some of Warren. That's crazy! (But it's NOT impossible!)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that it's very important to take in beneficial supplements while training. Vitamin C, D, zinc, folic acid, lemon cooler cookies, etc. Yep, pretty sure that's what it said!


Sunny, cool, crisp day! I taught STAT and Yoga at the gym this morning. Fun classes! I wish I could bottle up my ladies and take them everywhere! I'm so blessed to be doing what I do!
Soon I'll to load up the little monsters (napping now=happy Momma!) and go pick up Roddick from school. Church tonight where I'm blessed to teach the greatest 3, 4, and 5 year olds! Thinking about my run tomorrow makes me happy.....no treadmill!!
I think a lot about being able to do this whole challenge thing for a cause. Something like Ronald McDonald house. (I got the chance to stay a night with a friend at RM house when her baby was born early. So amazing!)
How would I do that? Hmmm

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tues Jan 3 2012

Well, I just logged 4 miles on the treadmill. It wasn't easy at all! The last mile I would sprint for a minute then run for a minute. Now, I must confess that I didn't do the sprinting because of my training. I did it because I wanted to be done!! Truth be known, I don't really like running on the treadmill. I can run forever if I'm outside. But the treadmill isn't as exciting for me. Guess I'll have to get over that if I'm going to keep running through the winter. I can log miles while Paisley sleeps and not have to get her out into the cold!!
Glad it's done! Now To drink my magic smoothie! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Monday, January 2, 2012