Every step I take is for the Team!

Every step I take is for the Team!
Team Harris

Monday, January 9, 2012

Please tell me

Do you have a story about yourself, or someone you know, who has/had breast cancer? If you do, and feel comfortable sharing, I would love for you to print it here. Your stories are like fuel to my running, they give purpose to my crazy 50 mile quest! Please, if you have time, share with me how Breast Cancer has touched your life.

Thank you and much love!



  1. I think it is cool that you are attempting to do something out of your comfort zone. I heard Dave Ramsey yesterday talking about how failure is much better than the sting of knowing you never tried to begin with, and I agree. Whether you make it to 50 or not, I think the point is that you're trying, and that its even better because you're trying to bring attention to a good cause along the way!

  2. Thank you so much for your support. It's comments like these that I'll lean on in times of wanting to quit! Can I ask who Chaser's Girl is?

  3. Never mind! I just figured out who you are! Lol! I'm a little slow.
