Wow, can't believe it's been so long since I have posted! I have been so busy that by night time I am just too pooped to blog.
I have been teaching 7 classes a week and running 3 times a week. Our house was hit by the dreaded stomach bug but we recovered. Had to take a few days off from everything. I think a few days off are in order anyways.
2 weekends ago Brandon and I ran a 23k trail race at Land Between the Lakes. That was so much fun and so very beautiful. Oh, and it was a challenge too! The great thing about trail runs is that you don't realize how far you have gone. The time flies by!
Don't get me wrong, towards the end of the trail race it gets really tough. It gets even tougher when your body gets tired, your feet get lazy, and you start to drag your feet. And when you drag your feet, you trip, and when trip numerous times, eventually you fall! Fall all the way down to the earth...THUD! Really it's not a good thing when an adult falls, it can only turn out bad. Luckily, soreness was the only BAD that came out of my fall. I know that it could have been so much worse. My brother ran an ultra at that race. His fall caused his legs to go into massive cramp mode, locking up his calves so he couldn't flex his feet! He, being the machine that he is, got up, ran through it, and crossed the finish line!
I have 2 purple toenails to show for that race. This means that soon I won't have a nail on my Rt big toe, and no nail on the one next to it! You may ask yourself why would a person put themselves through something like this. That is a very good question! The only way I can answer that is to say that it's just something inside that drives me to do it. I love it, especially running on the trail! There's nothing like it and I'm just not a sit still kind of person. The fact that I'm running for a foundation that is so very close to my heart, well, that just makes it that much more special to me.
When I'm running I think about the time when I was in the hospital and I was trying to make the walk around the nurses station. I think about the women that have and will experience Preeclampsia/Eclampsia. I think that maybe, somehow, I can help to make a difference. I hope I can.